Inferno 極熾

Whisky. Roasted Malt. Vanilla and sweet chocolate, with hints of Raspberry Finish.

Dark Roast Ethiopia Sheepherder Washed G1

Roaster Note :

獨特的深焙衣索比亞咖啡的濃郁和甘甜。 威士忌,烤麥芽,牛奶巧克力和少許覆盆子餘韻。 口中流淌著無與倫比的蜂蜜般的甜度,您絕對不能錯過的終極醇香感。

The signature roast to highlight the boldness and sweetness of the coffee. Whisky, Roasted malt, Milk chocolate and a hint of raspberry finish. With the unbeatable honey-like sweetness lingering in your mouth.The ultimate boldness that you should never miss.

Brewing Recipe : 

Brewing ratio 1 : 1.5
Ground coffee 18g
Espresso output 28g
Brew time 18-25 seconds
Brewing ratio 1 : 15
Ground coffee 18g
Total water 250ml
Water temperature 93ºc
Brew time 2-2.30 minutes
Roast Date 7th of February  二月七號

200g pack ships within 1-2 working days
1kg pack roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days from Malaysia