Nelson | Coffee Roaster
JWC Roastery is a micro-roastery born out of passion and perseverance to reserve the best from seed to a cup of coffee. Nelson is an absolutely passionate coffee man. He has been roasting coffee in Johor Bahru since 2009, one of the earliest specialty coffee roaster in Malaysia.
Nelson and his team had been active in participating numerous coffee competitions in the past years. This includes winning the 2016 Champion of Malaysia Brewers Cup and Latte Art Championship. They also represented Malaysia in the World Championship in both year 2016 and 2017.
According to JWC, coffee is a fruit, it tastes just like fruit. Yes, their coffees have lots of fruitiness, and always taste sweet just like ripe fruit.
Giesen W6A
11, Jalan PPU 2A off
Taman Perindustrian Puchong Utama, Puchong
Sold Out RM300.00 MYR
Variety | Yellow Catuai |
Processing | Pulped Natural |
Region | Fazenda Primavera |
Altitude | 1000masl |
Roast Level | Medium Roast |
About this coffee :
Fazenda Primavera位於米納斯吉萊斯州安傑蘭迪亞市。 農場的海拔高度在1000到1050馬氏之間,這促進了特種咖啡的種植。
氣候也提供了有利條件,年平均氣溫在20至24°C之間,降水量為1,000至1,300 mm。 Fazenda Primavera擁有最先進的設施,包括24,000平方米的干燥露台,14個電動干燥機以及用於處理完全洗滌的咖啡的設備。
這種咖啡製成豐富口感的咖啡,很容易搭配牛奶。 您會得到焦糖巧克力和杏仁堅果味,一杯天鵝絨般的咖啡。
Fazenda Primavera is located in the municipality of Angelândia, Minas Gerais. The farm altitude is between 1000 to 1050 masl, which promotes the cultivation of specialty coffee.
The climate also provides favorable conditions with average temperatures between 20 and 24 °C annually and precipitation of 1,000 to 1,300 mm. Fazenda Primavera has state of the art installations including a 24,000 m² drying patio, 14 electric dryers, and equipment for processing fully washed coffees.
This coffee makes a bold and pungent cup that easily punch through milk. You'll get caramel chocolate and almond nutty note, a velvety cup of coffee.
Espresso | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 1.5 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Espresso output | 28g |
Brew time | 18-25 seconds |
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 16th of May 五月十六號 |
200g pack ships within 1-2 working days
1kg pack roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days from Malaysia
Sold Out RM300.00 MYR
60% Colombia Huila Excelso
40% Brail Cerrado
哥倫比亞和巴西的招牌綜合濃縮咖啡。 帶有奶油般的口感,牛奶巧克力和焦糖爆米花的甜味。搭配牛奶做為拿鐵就是一個字,棒!
The signature espresso milk blend of Colombia and Brazil. A creamy milk coffee with flavours of orange cream, milk chocolate and caramel popcorn. Simply Awesome.
Espresso | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 1.5 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Espresso output | 28g |
Brew time | 18-25 seconds |
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 16th of May 五月十六號 |
50g & 200g pack ships within 1-2 working days
1kg pack roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days from Malaysia
Sold Out RM450.00 MYR
Dark Roast Ethiopia Sheepherder Washed G1
獨特的深焙衣索比亞咖啡的濃郁和甘甜。 威士忌,烤麥芽,牛奶巧克力和少許覆盆子餘韻。 口中流淌著無與倫比的蜂蜜般的甜度,您絕對不能錯過的終極醇香感。
The signature roast to highlight the boldness and sweetness of the coffee. Whisky, Roasted malt, Milk chocolate and a hint of raspberry finish. With the unbeatable honey-like sweetness lingering in your mouth.The ultimate boldness that you should never miss.
Espresso | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 1.5 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Espresso output | 28g |
Brew time | 18-25 seconds |
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 7th of February 二月七號 |
200g pack ships within 1-2 working days
1kg pack roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days from Malaysia
Sold Out RM1,000.00 MYR
Variety | Gesha |
Processing | Anaerobic Natural |
Region | La Paz |
Altitude | 1650masl |
Roast Level | Medium Roast |
Quantity | 100g |
About this coffee :
Finca Isabel is located in the colony of Bolinda, which lies in a lush, steep mountain valley around 10 kilometres outside of the town of Caranavi.
At Finca Isabel, they hires pickers from the Bolinda community to carefully hand pick the coffee during the harvest. These pickers are trained to select only the very ripest cherries, and multiple passes are made through the farm throughout the harvest to ensure the coffee is picked at its prime.
After the coffee was delivered, it was placed into a floatation tank and all floaters were removed. Then the whole cherries goes straight into stainless steel for anaerobic fermentation of 48 hours. The whole cherries were then dried on raised beds in the sun and turned regularly to ensure it dried evenly.
The drying was then finished off at a very low temperature in a stationary drier. The coffee was then transported to La Paz where it was rested and then milled at the Rodriguez family’s brand new dry mill. At the mill, the coffee was carefully screened again by machines and also by hand to remove any defects.
This gesha coffee is super duper sweet sweet sweeeeeeet! With red apple and white grape juicy notes, finish with lovely honey sweetness. The perfect coffee to enjoy with lovely evening sun.
Brewing Recipe:
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 14th of December |
100g pack coffee ship in 1-2 working days
Sold Out RM180.00 MYR
Variety | Catuai |
Processing | Anaerobic Natural |
Region | La Paz |
Altitude | 1650masl |
Roast Level | Medium Roast |
Quantity | 200g |
About this coffee :
Finca Isabel is located in the colony of Bolinda, which lies in a lush, steep mountain valley around 10 kilometres outside of the town of Caranavi.
At Finca Isabel, they hires pickers from the Bolinda community to carefully hand pick the coffee during the harvest. These pickers are trained to select only the very ripest cherries, and multiple passes are made through the farm throughout the harvest to ensure the coffee is picked at its prime.
After the coffee was delivered, it was placed into a floatation tank and all floaters were removed. Then the whole cherries goes straight into stainless steel for anaerobic fermentation of 48 hours. The whole cherries were then dried on raised beds in the sun and turned regularly to ensure it dried evenly.
The drying was then finished off at a very low temperature in a stationary drier. The coffee was then transported to La Paz where it was rested and then milled at the Rodriguez family’s brand new dry mill. At the mill, the coffee was carefully screened again by machines and also by hand to remove any defects.
This coffee has a great vibrancy of wonderful sweet aromatics. The intense sweetness of passion fruit and pineapple, finished with a smooth winey twist. Absolutely delightful & refreshing coffee to enjoy on a hot afternoon.
Brewing Recipe:
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 14th of December 十二月十四號 |
50g & 200g pack coffee ship in 1-2 working days
1kg pack is roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days
Sold Out RM180.00 MYR
Variety | Caturra |
Processing | Natural |
Region | Tarrazu |
Altitude | 1950masl |
Roast Level | Medium Roast |
Tasting Notes | Apple, Peach, Apricot, Strawberry and White Grape |
Quantity | 200g |
About this coffee :
Beginning from 2010, Tobosi aimed at elevating the quality of specialty coffee and becoming the leading supplier of specialty coffee. By establishing a transparent system and complete tracking record for its products, customers can be guaranteed to enjoy the best products. All quality services and processing arts are compliant with environmental protection measures.
In order to realize this goal, Tobosi has planned two plots of land, Tobosi and Copey. Tobosi was originally planned for planting ornamental plants while Copey had plans to be developed as secondary forest. However, due to altitude differences and soil quality analysis, Tobosi chose the plot best suited for developing the characteristics of coffee for cultivation. The plantation was placed under management based on environmental protection and cultural customs and environment and soil analysis tests were conducted on each plot of land to ensure the coffee beans are developing ideally and have sufficient nutrients.
The manual harvesting allows us to better understand the ripeness and tracking management of the coffee cherries. After harvesting the fresh coffee cherries and removing the unripe ones, the coffee beans may be sun dried.
The key to the coffee flavour lies in the ripeness of the fruit, and the processing will normally take 22-30 days to complete. This process will bring us rich and complex flavours that are thick and smooth, such as raisins, honey, caramel and nuts. Mathias and his dad Joel are COE 2017 winners and have been doing a great work especially with the Geisha variety.
This natural processed coffee is a fruit bomb! With bursting fruitiness of apple, peach, apricot, strawberry and white grape. Explosive fruity aromatics that will stun your taste buds.
Brewing Recipe:
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 14th of December 十二月十四號 |
50g & 200g pack coffee ship in 1-2 working days
1kg pack is roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days
Sold Out RM480.00 MYR
Variety | Heirloom |
Processing | Anaerobic Natural |
Region | Yirgacheffe |
Altitude | 2050-2200masl |
Roast Level | Light Roast |
Quantity | 200g |
About this coffee :
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Idido coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Idido coffee mill located in the Gedeo Zone of Ethiopia. The Gedeo region is named after the Gedeo people who are indigenous to this area. The Idido mill is located in a beautiful valley in the town of Idido near the town of Yirgacheffe.
Small coffee farmers deliver ripe cherries to the Idido mill where the cherries are sorted and pulped. After pulping, the beans are fermented for 36 to 48 hours in stainless steel tank and then washed. The wet beans in parchment are placed on raised drying beds in thin layers and turned every 2 to 3 hours during the first few days of the drying process.
Depending on the weather, the beans are dried for 10 to 12 days until the moisture in the coffee beans is reduced to 11.5 percent. Then the beans are transported to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, to be milled and bagged prior to export.
This Ethiopian coffee is unlike any ordinary heirloom. Super vibrant and intense aromatics of honey melon candy, pair with floral & berries note on mid-tone, finish with a tangerine juicy aftertaste that reminds you that it's still a lovely classic coffee.
Brewing Recipe:
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 26th of July 七月二十六號 |
100g & 200g pack coffee ship in 1-2 working days
1kg pack is roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days
Sold Out RM450.00 MYR
Variety | Heirloom |
Processing | Natural |
Region | Guji |
Altitude | 1750-2300masl |
Roast Level | Light Roast |
Quantity | 200g |
About this coffee :
Dasaya在衣索比亞的原文為 Dawala Samayawi,意思就是紫色的風鈴!豆如其名,品飲時不斷令人聯想到紫色、藍色的水果,充滿了粉紫色的甜蜜泡泡。藍莓、葡萄等水果甜密的香氣,紫羅蘭的花香,尾段略帶薰衣草香氣的如風鈴般清澈的涼感為這支熱情洋溢的日曬作品,增添清新的美妙氣質。
Ethiopia may be the birthplace of coffee, but is it a complex country when it comes to regions and identification. Coffee can be identified in various ways, including region, zone, processing mill or simply by a local name.
Located in the Guji Zone of the Oromia Region, this town has an elevation of 1758 meters above sea level. It lies within the Sidamo region. Coffees from this region typically have strong berry aromatics with orange acidity and caramel/toffee sweetness.
This Ethiopian coffee is a fruit bomb! Explosive classic fruity notes of blueberry & ripe sweet grape on the first sip, peach aromatics on the mid tone & finish with a lovely aftertaste of roses. An expressive natural coffee that makes a must try for all Ethiopian coffee fans.
Brewing Recipe:
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 250ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 8th of November 十一月八號 |
200g pack coffee ship in 1-2 working days
1kg pack is roast to order, ships within 3-5 working days
Sold Out RM460.00 MYR
Variety | Venecia |
Processing | 紅蜜處理 Red Honey Processed |
Region | San Viito |
Producer | Isidro Rodriguez |
Altitude | 1600masl |
Roast Level | Light Roast |
Quantity | 200g |
About this coffee :
聖維托德爪哇省是哥斯達黎加蓬塔雷納斯省科托布魯斯州的一個區和首府城市。它位於首都聖何塞東南約 271 公里(168 英里)處,靠近巴拿馬邊境。
Venecia 咖啡品種起源於阿拉胡埃拉的聖卡洛斯,Isidro Rodriguez 先生在 100% Caturra 咖啡種植園中挑選了幾棵咖啡樹,這些咖啡樹表現出更高的生產力、更大的果實大小和更強的抗雨果掉落能力。
紅蜜處理是 80-90% 的粘液殘留在豆子上的地方。豆子在陰天或遮蔭條件下在凸起的床上乾燥。所有的豆子都在第一天早上耙過,然後在下午只耙一兩次。
San Vito de Java, is a district and head city of the Coto Brus canton, in the Puntarenas province of Costa Rica. It is located about 271 kilometres (168 mi) southeast of the capital San José, and close to the Panama border.
The Venecia coffee variety has its origin in San Carlos, Alajuela, where Mr. Isidro Rodriguez selected out several coffee trees in a coffee plantation of 100% Caturra that demonstrated increased productivity, larger fruit size and increased resistance to fruit drop in the rain.
Honey processing is a form of a pulped natural process that is common across Costa Rica. Different designations of white, yellow, red and black honey are commonly used among Central and South American farmers.
Red Honey is Where 80-90% of the mucilage remains on the bean. The beans are dried on raised beds in overcast or shaded conditions. All the beans are raked on the first morning and then only once or twice in the afternoon.
As a result, you’ll get a super fruity floral coffee with intense aromatics. With flavour notes of rose, papaya and raspberry that will totally delight your day. A great morning coffee that will surely brighten your day!
Brewing Recipe:
Filter | |
Brewing ratio | 1 : 15 |
Ground coffee | 18g |
Total water | 300ml |
Water temperature | 93ºc |
Brew time | 2-2.30 minutes |
Roast Date | 8th of February 二月八號 |
200g pack coffee ship in 1-2 working days