Malaysia Liberica Green Bean - Honey Processed 馬來西亞 賴比瑞卡 生豆 - 蜜處理

蜜糖。 烤杏仁。 巧克力。
Honey. Roasted Almond. Chocolate.

Variety Liberica
Processing Honey Processed
Region Kulai, Johor
Harvest May/June 2020
Tasting Notes 蜂蜜,烤杏仁,巧克力甜味和圓潤的口感
Honey, roasted almond, chocolate sweet finish & round body
Quantity 1kg

About this coffee:

My Liberica 是馬來西亞目前唯一的精品賴比瑞卡咖啡豆生產商。 劉氏家族擁有自己的咖啡種植園和加工廠。除此之外,他們也自己負責烘焙咖啡豆,同時還設立了多家在馬來西亞新山的咖啡廳,專門推廣賴比瑞卡咖啡。從咖啡豆的種植到一杯香氣十足的咖啡, 劉氏家族都是自己親手參與。

這一支蜜處理的賴比瑞卡咖啡口感均衡,帶有蜂蜜的甜味,烤杏仁的風味,尾韻是牛奶巧克力的味道。我們建議烘到中焙至深焙,回穩點約 80ºc,一爆以後升 15ºc 左右為中焙。蜜處理適合做深焙,My Liberica 義式深焙的經典炭燒烘約 20 分鐘。

My Liberica is the one and only specialty Liberica coffee bean producer in Malaysia. The Liew family takes full control from farm to cup, with their own coffee plantation, processing mill, roastery and an in house cafe that serves specialty Liberica coffee in Johor Bahru.

This honey processed coffee has a lovely honey sweetness & roasted almond note. Milk chocolate sweet aftertaste with a round body. We recommend medium to darker roast level for Honey Processed, this gives a better mouthfeel and more chocolate dominant notes. 

一公斤裝在 1-2 工作天內寄出
1kg Pack ships within 1-2 working days

4 boxes left