Malaysia Liberica Green Bean - Natural Processed 馬來西亞 賴比瑞卡 生豆 - 日曬

菠蘿蜜。 荔枝 黑莓。 果汁口感。
Jackfruit. Lychee. Blackberry. Juicy. 

Variety Liberica
Processing Natural Sun-dried
Region Kulai, Johor
Harvest January 2020
Tasting Notes 菠蘿蜜,荔枝,黑莓,紅棗,甘草,果汁般的口感
Jackfruit juiciness, lychee, blackberry, red date & a hint of liquorice, juicy body
Quantity 1kg

About this coffee:

My Liberica 是馬來西亞唯一的精品賴比瑞卡咖啡豆生產商。 劉氏家族擁有自己的咖啡莊園和處理廠。他們也自己負責烘焙咖啡豆,同時設立了多家在馬來西亞新山的咖啡廳,推廣賴比瑞卡咖啡。從咖啡豆的種植到一杯香氣十足的咖啡, 劉氏家族都是自己親手參與。

這支日曬賴比瑞卡咖啡有著非常強烈的波羅蜜果酸味。一打開包裝,就可以馬上聞到了!這是一杯適合慢慢品嘗多層次感的咖啡,  尾韻帶有藍莓的味道。我們建議把日曬賴比瑞卡烘淺焙支中焙,回穩點約 80ºc,一爆以後升 15ºc 左右為中焙。

My Liberica is the one and only specialty Liberica coffee bean producer in Malaysia. The Liew family takes full control from farm to cup, with their own coffee plantation, processing mill, roastery and an in house cafe that serves specialty Liberica coffee in Johor Bahru.

The Liberica Natural Processed coffee has a super intense sweetness of jackfruit fruity note, you can smell it the moment you open the bag! It makes a light delicate and complex cup, with some notes of blueberries on the aftertaste. 

We recommend a light to medium roast level for natural processed Liberica to exhibit the juiciness mouthfeel and jackfruit notes, also a greater fruity sweetness of the coffee.

1kg pack ships within 1-2 working days