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8 Drip Packs x 12g of freshly roasted ground coffee
Brewing fresh coffee has never been easier. Drip Pack is a convenient and easy way to brew delicious cup of fresh coffee! In office, travelling or before hitting the gym, all you need is hot water and a cup, you'll get to enjoy delicious fresh coffee wherever you go!
Each box comes with FOUR single origin coffee beans, two Drip Packs of each single origin. beam
1. Place Drip Pack on your favourite mug.
2. Slowly pour 200ml of hot water (95˚c) into Drip Pack.
3. Enjoy!
Drip Pack ships within 24 hours
View full product detailsSold Out RM200.00 MYR
10 Drip Coffee Bag in a box.
Brewing fresh coffee has never been easier. Drip Pack is a convenient and easy way to brew delicious cup of fresh coffee! In office, travelling or before hitting the gym, all you need is hot water and a cup, you'll get to enjoy delicious fresh coffee wherever you go!
Each box comes with coffees from Brew & Bread, with choice of two different coffees.
1. Place Drip Pack on your favourite mug.
2. Slowly pour 200ml of hot water (95˚c) into Drip Pack.
3. Enjoy!
Drip Coffee Bag ships within 24 hours
View full product detailsSold Out RM200.00 MYR
Variety | Liberica |
Processing | Natural |
Region | Kulai, Johor |
Roast Level | Medium Roast |
Tasting Notes | 菠蘿蜜,荔枝,黑莓,紅棗和少許甘草,果汁口感 Jackfruit juiciness, lychee, blackberry, red date & a hint of liquorice, juicy body |
My Liberica是馬來西亞目前唯一的精品賴比瑞卡咖啡豆生產商。 劉氏家族擁有自己的咖啡種植園和加工廠。除此之外,他們也自己負責烘焙咖啡豆,同時還設立了多家在馬來西亞新山的咖啡廳,專門推廣賴比瑞卡咖啡。從咖啡豆的種植到一杯香氣十足的咖啡, 劉氏家族都是自己親手參與。
這一支賴比瑞卡咖啡有著非常強烈的波羅蜜果酸味。一打開包裝,就可以馬上聞到了!這是一杯適合慢慢品嘗其複雜口味的咖啡, 尾韻帶有藍莓的味道。
My Liberica is the one and only specialty Liberica coffee bean producer in Malaysia. The Liew family takes full control from farm to cup, with their own coffee plantation, processing mill, roastery and an in house cafe that serves specialty Liberica coffee in Johor Bahru.
The Liberica Natural Processed coffee has a super intense sweetness of jackfruit fruity note, you can smell it the moment you open the bag! It makes a light delicate and complex cup, with some notes of blueberries on the aftertaste.
Each box comes with a set of 5 Drip Packs.
1. 將掛耳包懸掛在你喜愛的馬克杯。
2. 慢慢倒入200毫升的熱水(88˚c)。
3. 品嘗您的咖啡!
1. Place Drip Pack on your favourite mug.
2. Slowly pour 200ml of hot water (93˚c) into Drip Pack.
3. Enjoy!
Drip Pack ships within 24 hours
有效日期: 2022年6月15號
View full product detailsSold Out RM200.00 MYR
Variety | Liberica 賴比瑞卡 |
Processing | Honey Processed |
Region | Kulai, Johor |
Roast Level | Italian Dark Roast |
Tasting Notes | 烤杏仁, 焦糖, 順滑黑巧克力口感 Roasted almond, caramel sweetness, a long smooth dark chocolate finish, full body |
My Liberica是馬來西亞目前唯一的精品賴比瑞卡咖啡豆生產商。 劉氏家族擁有自己的咖啡種植園和加工廠。除此之外,他們也自己負責烘焙咖啡豆,同時還設立了多家在馬來西亞新山的咖啡廳,專門推廣賴比瑞卡咖啡。從咖啡豆的種植到一杯香氣十足的咖啡, 劉氏家族都是自己親手參與。
這支豆是他們家的暢銷商品。這支深烘焙的咖啡豆,是深深植根於馬來西亞人從最初所熟悉的咖啡烏 (Kopi-O) 來烘焙的,也是一支高品質深度烘焙的咖啡。80%黑巧克力的味道,接近炭烤效果,持久甘甜的餘味。每當我們自己去新山時,必嚐的一杯咖啡。
My Liberica is the one and only specialty Liberica coffee bean producer in Malaysia. The Liew family takes full control from farm to cup, with their own coffee plantation, processing mill, roastery and an in house cafe that serves specialty Liberica coffee in Johor Bahru.
This is the bestseller in My Liberica. A Classic coffee that deeply rooted in all Malaysian heart, the highest quality of dark roasted Kopi. A straight 80% dark chocolate & smooth roastiness, and long bittersweet finish. This is a must-have cup of coffee whenever we travel to Johor.
We recommend a lower brewing temperature of 88˚C, finish brew well before 1.30 minutes. Each box comes with a set of 5 Drip Packs.
1. Place Drip Pack on your favourite mug.
2. Slowly pour 200ml of hot water (88˚c) into Drip Pack.
3. Enjoy!
Drip Pack ships within 24 hours
有效日期: 2022年6月15號
View full product detailsSold Out
It is made into a teabag style VWI coffee brew bag, can be brewed hot or cold, which is more convenient and diversified, and it is easier to get a good cup of coffee
The teabag type coffee filter bubble bag has multiple usages-hot and cold brewing; more versatile-directly steeped in milk to make milk beverages, put into the wine to make coffee cocktails, etc.
The filter bag is made of PLA environmental protection material, so there is no need to worry about the smell of paper. The immersion method is not restricted by the brewing equipment. As long as there is hot water, there is a cup of good coffee.
巴西 摩羯座 蜜處理
Brazil Parana Honey
花生醬與可可 Peanut butter & cocoa
榛果尾韻 Hazelnut finish
些微蘋果酸質 Apple hints
圓潤體酯 Rounded mouthfeel
衣索比亞 西達摩 原生種 日曬
Ethiopia Sidama Heirloom Natural
柳橙與蘭花 Mandarin orange & orchid
白毫銀針茶尾韻 Silver line white tea finish
黃金奇異果酸質 Golden kiwi brightness
果汁感體酯 Fruit juicy mouthfeel
成分:100% 研磨咖啡
Ingredient: 100% ground coffee
重量:每包 11+/-0.5g
每盒含 8包 濾泡包
Contains 8 packs in a box